Every year in September many artists in and around Herefordshire exhibit in the “hArt” week (Herefordshire Art Week) and Knucklas artists are included.

There are many artists in or near the village, and here are some:

O'Leary sculpture

Lottie O’Leary – sculptors & stone carvers specialising in memorials here – button_blue_play
Upper House, Knucklas.  Contact: phone: 01547 528 792, or  info@stonecarving.co.uk

Large glazed vase

Tony Hall – Potter and portrait sculptor in terracotta.

Contact:   hallaw@btinternet.com and 01547 529 670

Black mountains landscape

Lois Hopwood – Artist – Landscape painting and drawing.

Contact: lois.wynne.hopwood@gmail.com

Grant Jessé – graphic artist & author here –


Anne Belgrave– Pastoral feltmaking; Proverbs & fables that come alive in the woods.

Contact: here – button_blue_play
or phone: 01544 267 997