Before booking you might like to check availability on the “Event calendar” page on the menu above. You can use the “Categories” list to select the facility you are interested in.


To make a booking for the Centre please provide the information in the form below, or use this form and post it to us:

    You may also use the form on “Contact us” page if this is more convenient.

    Queries- you may call our bookings person on 01547 528765


    Field and the tennis court are normally available for use at any time and at no charge and do not need to be booked. However, this form can be used so they could be reserved if required for a special occasion. People booking the hall may find people using the field or court at the same time.

    Kitchen – use of the kitchen for making tea, serving your own snacks, etc is free of charge for users of the hall. A fee is required only if you intend to prepare food in the kitchen.

    Note latest Hygiene Inspection report: Food Hygiene Report.

    Charges & booking conditions

    (To see these documents you will need a pdf file reader; we recommend the Foxit reader which you can download and install from here.)

    The charges are listed here: Hire fees

    Please note that making an application for hire means that you accept the conditions shown here: Hall Hire Conditions

    Also, here are some notes on looking after the hall when you are there: Notes on hall use. They are intended only to be helpful and answer queries people have made in the past.