There are many pictures of Knucklas here and a surprising number turn up when you search the web; many are of the famous viaduct.
- Knucklas viaduct
Click any picture to start a slide show.
- Local inhabitants!
- The new Community Centre
- Heart of Wales train on viaduct
- Youth Club greenhouse
- The Baptist Chapel
- Belmont Cottage
- The Castle Inn
- Steam train on viaduct
- Our AM helping out!
- Knucklas and viaduct
- Castle Hill in the snow
- Knucklas viaduct
- Steam train on viaduct
- Sculpture on Castle Hill
- Coburgh House
- Our fine new hall!
- Tennis court at Community Centre
- Tower on Knucklas viaduct
- Steam train on viaduct
- Our AM opening the new hall
- Playground at Community Centre
- Knucklas Halt 1964
- Knucklas station